Hey all,
I am trying to access the instance that I have created using the Neo4J website. I have created a graph using the website and am trying to access it using Python and the instances URI. When I try to access the instance using the Python code below, it gives me the following error:
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
# Manage the API keys
load_status = load_dotenv("Neo4j-a0a2fa1d-Created-2023-11-06.txt")
URI = os.getenv("NEO4J_URI")
AUTH = (os.getenv("NEO4J_USERNAME"), os.getenv("NEO4J_PASSWORD"))
with GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) as driver:
print("Connection established.")
ConfigurationError: URI scheme b'' is not supported. Supported URI schemes are ['bolt', 'bolt+ssc', 'bolt+s', 'neo4j', 'neo4j+ssc', 'neo4j+s']. Examples: bolt://host[:port] or neo4j://host[:port][?routing_context]
The text file is like this, with only the important details hidden:
I want to highlight that the scheme is one of the approved schemes, so I am unsure why I am getting this error. Can someone please enlighten me?
I am using neo4J version 5.23.0