Hi all,
newbie warning!!!!
So I created a set of nodes and then exported the data to a .json file
I am using version 4.2.3 and APOC 4.201
Now I have deleted my data and am importing the json back. (my current exercise)
The data looks like
"n": {
"identity": 0,
"labels": [
"properties": {
"pid": "92",
"xref": "9999",
}, ......................etc
However, I can import and create the nodes but the is no data
"identity": 2,
"labels": [
"properties": {
My code looks like
CALL apoc.load.json("files:/home/XXX/.local/share/neo4j-relate/dbmss/dbms-3d3a0cbb-e84d-4ea0-a5b9-b53c63c9f44c/import/exportData.json")
YIELD value AS n //values in file
CREATE (p:Person {pid: n.pid})
SET p.name = n.name,
p.ref = n.ref,
p.xref = n.xref
Maybe I do not understand?
After the call the YIELD return a set of n (as per the code) - is this a list?
To create the p:Person I use CREATE as per the code and SET the other properties... but with a null result.
I have learning through the cybertext and youtube videos - however some of the videos are of older neo4j versions and there seems to be differences
Is my understanding that the YIELD results in a set? and the CREATE then processes that set iteratively?
What is wring with my code - I am missing something
Thanks in advance
firstly simplify the code and run
CALL apoc.load.json("files:/home/XXX/.local/share/neo4j-relate/dbmss/dbms-3d3a0cbb-e84d-4ea0-a5b9-b53c63c9f44c/import/exportData.json")
YIELD value AS n return n;
do you get expected values? Is it able to read the exportData.json? i'm also not sure if file:/
should not be file:///
I get a list of elements in the table
So it does work to this point.
However, the issue arises at
CREATE (p:Person {pid: n.pid})
SET p.name = n.name,
p.ref = n.ref,
p.xref = n.xref
I have no data in the db
The name is always failed as null. Yet there is data.
It seems the exported JSON is a streaming JSON, perhaps that is the problem?
It will create a single node as Person with just the id().
@ dana.canzano
To start from scratch I do the following:
CREATE (p:Person {name:"Stream1", category:"Fit", user1:"Paul", user2:"Able", weight: "100"});
CREATE (p:Person {name:"Stream2", category:"Fat", user1:"Peter", user2:"John", weight: "2000"});
I export to person.json and it looks like this:
"n": {
"identity": 15,
"labels": [
"properties": {
"user1": "Paul",
"name": "Stream1",
"user2": "Able",
"weight": "100",
"category": "Fit"
"n": {
"identity": 16,
"labels": [
"properties": {
"user1": "Peter",
"name": "Stream2",
"user2": "John",
"weight": "2000",
"category": "Fat"
when I invoke
WITH "files:/home/XXXX/.local/share/neo4j-relate/dbmss/dbms-4be8457c-f913-41ce-8d8a-177764737dde/import/person.json" AS path2json
CALL apoc.load.json(path2json)
YIELD value AS n //values in file
MERGE (p:pperson {name: n.name})
ON CREATE SET //p.name = n.name,
p.user1 = n.user1,
p.weight = n.weight
then I receive the failure
Cannot merge the following node because of null property value for 'name': (:pperson {name: null})
can you rerun as
CALL apoc.load.json("files:/home/XXX/.local/share/neo4j-relate/dbmss/dbms-3d3a0cbb-e84d-4ea0-a5b9-b53c63c9f44c/import/exportData.json")
YIELD value AS n return n.name, n.pid, n.ref, n.xref
do you get expected values?
with the example Person.json previously provided
call apoc.load.json('file:///person.json') yield value as Persons return Persons.n.identity, Persons.n.properties.user1, Persons.n.properties.name, Persons.n.properties.weight,Persons.n.properties.category;
| Persons.n.identity | Persons.n.properties.user1 | Persons.n.properties.name | Persons.n.properties.weight | Persons.n.properties.category |
| 15 | "Paul" | "Stream1" | "100" | "Fit" |
| 16 | "Peter" | "Stream2" | "2000" | "Fat" |
which is simply getting said values from the json. from here you can then do the create
as desired
Well it turns out the solution is that the JSON tree walking failed me so here is the solution.
WITH "files:///home/XXXX/.local/share/neo4j-relate/dbmss/dbms-4be8457c-f913-41ce-8d8a-177764737dde/import/person.json" AS path2json
CALL apoc.load.json(path2json)
YIELD value AS Persons //values in file
UNWIND Persons.n.labels AS qPerson
MERGE (p:qPerson {name:Persons.n.properties.name})
ON CREATE SET p.identity = Persons.n.identity,
//special case array Persons.n.labels,
p.user1 = Persons.n.properties.user1,
//p.name = Persons.n.name,
p.weight = Persons.n.properties.weight,
p.category = Persons.n.properties.category
Thanks to @dana_canzano for guidance
How were you creating the json file? for if you were using APOC and Export to JSON - APOC Extended Documentation this should be simpler