What I have found helpful (at least with CSV files), is to take it step by step.
First, see if you can create a Node. And as a first step to that, see if you can create a table of the properties of the nodes (not yet created).
CALL apoc.some_call("file:///somefile") YIELD value
RETURN value.field1, value.field2, ...
Then you should get a table. It's going to be a bit more complex than what I've shown because it's JSON, and you have to chase all the JSON elements.
If that works, then create the node:
CALL apoc.some_call("file:///somefile") YIELD value
CREATE (n:Label{ field1:value.field1, field2:value.field2, ...})
don't forget you might want to convert strings into, e.g.
After that works, then you have to figure out the relationships, which is not clear in your data example.
Sometimes, to make it conceptually simple, I will create the nodes in a first pass.
Then, in a second pass, I'll MATCH
the existing nodes and then do a creation of the relationships. Something like:
CALL apoc.some_call("file:///somefile") YIELD value
MATCH(n1:LabelA, {property1:value.field1}
MATCH(n2:LabelB, {property2:value.field2}
RETURN n1,n2
Once you get the hang of it, then it may be possible to do it one pass.
However, I think what I've outlined in sketchy detail will give you a method of learning about your data and Neo4J in bite-sized steps.
I hope that helps.