Unable to Open and complete Neo4j Desktop installation

Hi ,

I want to use Neo4j desktop application, so i downloaded the .exe file for windows and completed installation. However, as soon as i open it, i am stuck at this screen -

I click Confirm button, still i am unable to navigate to next functionality. Please help.

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Hello! I'm so sorry this got missed. Were you able to move past the issue, or is it something you are still seeing? I am happy to take a look at it, if still needed!


Hi, I am having the same issue still. No matter which location I choose, the Confirm button is unresponsive.

Is the wbem executable in your path? If that has been modified for security on the machine, then that can cause problems. Path is below for the expected executable.



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Your solution worked for me.Thank you..

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Hi Jennifer, I am facing the exact same issue . What changes do I need to do to wbem for the installation to continue ?

It's just ensuring your system PATH includes the wbem....also, there are a couple other things to check if you're a Windows user.

  1. Have Powershell V5 or later installed on your system.
  2. Make sure that your system PATH includes: \windows\system32\wbem
  3. Try with Neo4j Desktop is installed in the default location (I believe that's on C:\ drive).

Let me know if this doesn't solve it, and I'll troubleshoot some more!

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Thank you for explaining and sorry about my late response. I was not active on the forum. Yes I figured out that the wbem exe file needs to be included in the path in env variables

Ok, great! Glad everything is working now. :slight_smile:

I am still not able to fix this on my system. Can someone help ?

I am facing same issue. Please help!!

me too please help us..

for me its not working

Hello, you have checked the three items listed above, correct? Could you verify the error you are seeing?

Hi, I am still facing same issue even after following above steps mentioned by jennifer.

I am still facing same issue even after following these steps.
Please help.