So far Spring-Data-Neo4J works great but now i am hitting a problem:
In one of my "Neo4jRepository" for ProductResponsibleUnitRelation
i declare a method:
List<ProductResponsibleUnitRelation> findByProductHierarchyIdContainingIgnoreCase(String partialProductHierarchyId);
Using this method yields this exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to ignore case of java.lang.String types, the property 'productHierarchy' must reference a String
at org.springframework.util.Assert.state(
Inspecting code of reveals the problem. The method canIgnoreCase
is called it looks like this:
private boolean canIgnoreCase(Part part) {
return part.getType() == SIMPLE_PROPERTY && String.class.equals(part.getProperty().getLeafType());
It seems that the use of IgnoreCase (part.getType()
) is only allowed for SIMPLE_PROPERTY
but no for all others like CONTAINING
The question is: How could i get a working findByContainingIgnoreCase method, preferable without using cypher (i am using spring data to abstract from these details).
My OGM calsses are these:
@RelationshipEntity(type = "responsible_for_product")
public class ProductResponsibleUnitRelation {
private Long id;
private LegalEntityNode legalEntity;
private ProductHierarchyNode productHierarchy;
private LocalDate validFrom;
private LocalDate validTo;
public class ProductHierarchyNode {
private String id;
I want to find all relations by case insensitive parts ("containing") of the id.