Trouble Accessing Neo4j Localhost via Docker Port Forwarding

I'm experiencing difficulties accessing the Neo4j interface via localhost on port 7474 after setting up port forwarding with Docker. I've configured Docker to forward port 7888 to Neo4j's default port 7474, but when attempting to access localhost:7888 in my web browser, the page fails to load, and I receive the error message "ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE". This issue persists despite restarting both Docker and Neo4j. I'm seeking assistance from the Neo4j community to troubleshoot this connectivity problem and understand if there are any additional configurations or settings required to successfully access Neo4j through the forwarded port. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Please provide the following information if you ran into a more serious issue:

  • neo4j version, desktop version, browser version
  • what kind of API / driver do you use
  • screenshot of PROFILE or EXPLAIN with boxes expanded (lower right corner)
  • a sample of the data you want to import
  • which plugins / extensions / procedures do you use
  • neo4j.log and debug.log