Failed to invoke procedure `semantics.inference.nodesInCategory`: Caused by: org.neo4j.cypher.internal.v3_5.util.SyntaxException: Invalid input ':': expected an identifier character, whitespace, '|', a length specification, a property map or ']' (line 1, column 29 (offset: 28))
curiously enough, if I substitute for "MyClass" a value that does not exist, I don't get an error; if I substitute for "MyClass" a value that does exist, I get the error.
Looks like a bug in the nodesInCategory procedure.
If I remember well the procedure does some cypher rewriting so the error will probably be meaningful for the internally run cypher but not your original one :(
Could you please raise it in GitHub? [Issues · neo4j-labs/neosemantics · GitHub]