I am new to Neo4j and Cypher. Now I use Neo4j community edition and try to develop my company's internal system.
I wanted to use apoc.trigger procedure and ran following command from Neo4j Lab.
CALL apoc.trigger.add('setAllConnectedNodes','UNWIND apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey($assignedNodeProperties,"surname") as prop
WITH prop.node as n
SET a.surname = n.surname', {phase:'after'});
Then Neo4j throw following error message.
Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.trigger.add`: Caused by: org.neo4j.exceptions.SyntaxException: Unknown function 'apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey' (line 1, column 16 (offset: 15))
"EXPLAIN UNWIND apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey($assignedNodeProperties,"surname") as prop"
I have no idea why this procedure could not be execute. So could you please tell me solution?
Here is URL I referrd to.
Thanks in advance.