Speed differences between Cypher and Neo4jGraphQL

Hi all,
I am building a react app using Neo4jGraphQL and AuraDB. I have a simple query where I want to return all the nodes of a given type.

In cypher the query is

match (n: Champion) return n

Using Apollo GraphQL, the query becomes

type Query{
    allChampions:[Champion] @cypher(statement:"""
        match (n: Champion) return n
const GET_ALL_CHAMPIONS = gql`
  query explore {
    allChampions {

The cypher query is very quick using the neo4j auradb browser:

Started streaming 59 records after 1 ms and completed after 4 ms.

However the same query takes ~3 seconds for the apollo server (See attatched image.)

Is there anyway to speed up the time it takes apollo graphql? Cypher is so much faster in the neo4j aura db browser!

Looks to be related to this?
Any advice here?


Screenshot 2023-01-19 at 11.43.52.png