I have the following cypher query which works as expected when run from neo4j browser. Some of the data are returned as null when run from graphql query. Cypher query includes custom apoc functions, which are not shown in the code below.
profile call n10s.inference.nodesLabelled('Entity', {catNameProp: "label", catLabel: "Resource", subCatRel: "SCO" }) YIELD node
unwind labels(node) as label
with collect(distinct label) as labels, localdatetime({timezone: 'Europe/Athens'}) as now
match (a)-[:hasSensor*0..1]-()-[:hasSensorProperty]->(b:SensorProperty)
where any(i in labels where i in labels(a))
AND (((b.name in ["no2","so2","o3"]) AND (LocalDateTime(b.timestamp) >= now-duration({hours:1}))) or ((b.name in ["pm2.5","pm10"]) AND (LocalDateTime(b.timestamp) >= now-duration({hours:24}))))
with a.name as Entity, b.name as measurement, avg(b.value) as value
with Entity, custom.AQI(measurement, value) as measurement_AQI
return {name:Entity, AQI:["Good","Fair","Moderate","Poor","Very Poor","Extremely Poor"][max(measurement_AQI)]}
Data returned from browser
"name": "Iot_Entity_1727202",
"aqi": "Extremely Poor"
"name": "Iot_Entity_1270095",
"aqi": "Extremely Poor",
Data return from graphql query
"name": "Iot_Entity_1727202",
"aqi": null
"name": "Iot_Entity_1270095",
"aqi": null
I use neo4j (4.4.15) and @neo4j/graphql (3.12.0).
Any help appreciated.