Hello All,
New member to the forum. I am setting up a new server for a group that uses Neo4j. At this point they are running on a Dell R730 with 800GB of memory and 16 processors (2 with 8 cores each) and using space from an all SSD Compellent (5 TB of space for them). It is old and I am trying to get a new server that is all stand alone. They currently have a db size of just over 1TB. We want to get a server that will have enough space to last them for the next 3-5 years. Will a new Dell server with 1TB of memory and SSD space of 7-10 TB of internal SSD drives be enough? They believe they will be growing at just over 1TB per year so it seems like that would be a good fit, but I also wonder how many processors would be advisable. I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions I could get.