Hello everybody,
I'm new here and try my hand at chess moves.
My first draft looks pretty good.
But now I would like to set the thickness of the relationship with the variable "count".
I already looked for something similar in the forum and found neovis.
I am still very inexperienced and could not use the neovis github example with me.
My question is. Do I really need neovis?
What options do I have to solve the whole thing?
cyphter code:
(`0`: pos {name:" B00 King's Pawn ", fen:" rnbqkbnr / pppppppp / 8/8 / 4P3 / 8 / PPPP1PPP / RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1 "}),
(`1`: pos {name:" C20 King's Pawn Game ", fen:" rnbqkbnr / pppp1ppp / 8 / 4p3 / 4P3 / 8 / PPPP1PPP / RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2 "}),
(`5`: start {name: 'Starting Position', fen: "rnbqkbnr / pppppppp / 8/8/8/8 / PPPPPPPP / RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"}),
(`6`: pos {name:" C20 Center Game ", fen:" rnbqkbnr / pppp1ppp / 8 / 4p3 / 3PP3 / 8 / PPP2PPP / RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 2 "}),
(`7`: pos {name:" A40 Queens Pawn Game ", fen:" rnbqkbnr / pppppppp / 8/8 / 3P4 / 8 / PPP1PPPP / RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1 "}),
(`8`: pos {name:" A40 Englund Gambit ", fen:" rnbqkbnr / pppp1ppp / 8 / 4p3 / 4P3 / 8 / PPPP1PPP / RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2 "}),
(`0`) - [:` move` {name: "e5", count: '35535607'}] -> (`1`),
(`5`) - [:` move` {name: "e4", count: "125111153"}] -> (`0`),
(`1`) - [:` move` {name: "d4", count: '2217768'}] -> (`6`),
(`5`) - [:` move` {name: "d4", count: '67841629'}] -> (`7`),
(`7`) - [:` move` {name: "e5", count: '1922672'}] -> (`8`),
(`8`) - [:` move` {name: "e4", count: '31719'}] -> (`6`)
- neo4j browser version
many Greetings