Routing issue when connecting Lambda to AuraDB

I am trying to connect Lambda to AuraDB and I get DNS issue:
"Error processing Lambda function: Unable to retrieve routing information"
I have granted access to the internet and I can resolve other IPs, but this URI is unresolvable, does someone know should I add route, IP, or other connection URI?
The DB is running and I can access it from the login portal via browser.

The code is as follows:

NEO4J_URI = "neo4j+ssc://"
NEO4J_USER = "user"
def initialize_neo4j_session():
print("Initializing Neo4j session...")
return GraphDatabase.driver(NEO4J_URI, auth=(NEO4J_USER, NEO4J_PASSWORD)).session()

Thank you

Just to quickly rule out 2 obvious things:

  • The scheme for AuraDB should be neo4j+s
  • The port specified should be 7687 Or omitted completely.
    such that the uri should follow: "neo4j+s://{instanceID}" / "neo4j+s://{instanceID}"
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