Hi! I'm a newbie to Neo4j and I got problems when trying to connect to the neo4j browser using Python.
I just tried out some simple codes that can be found in most of the Py2neo tutorials out there: (in jupyter notebook)
from py2neo import Graph
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
g = Graph(uri="bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "neo4j"))
Object g:
<Graph database=<Database uri='bolt://localhost:7687' secure=False user_agent='py2neo/4.3.0 neobolt/1.7.13 Python/3.7.1-final-0 (darwin)'> name='data'>
However, when I tried to do some actual work like
tx = graph.begin()
I got the error:
AuthError: The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
more details:
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/neobolt/direct.py in on_failure(self, metadata)
776 message = metadata.get("message", "Connection initialisation failed")
777 if code == "Neo.ClientError.Security.Unauthorized":
--> 778 raise AuthError(message)
779 else:
780 raise ServiceUnavailable(message)type or paste code here
I'm using Neo4j community 3.5.7 (I've installed Neo4j Desktop before but I deleted). Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
-- Tianyi