I have tried accessing my neo4j graph database through Jupyter Notebook and VSCode using both py2neo and GraphDatabase drivers.
Somehow it always says connection not found. I am using Neo4j desktop, and starting the local dbms and neo4j browser. When I try either:
Graph("bolt://localhost:7687", auth = ("neo4j","password"))
It shows connection is closed or not established. I have tried reading through so many resources but there is no clear and concise correction. I read somewhere that the neo4j instance has to run on the same server as the python code - but how does this work and what can I do to rectify this problem ?
Dear Koji, this is the exact same thing that I tried to run. However at the graph command it shows me an error and says connection has been closed or connection unavailable. If I am not wrong all I have to do with my neo4j desktop app is start the local dbms and open the browser right? I tried editing the config file also but It didn't work.
Thanks for your help. I was actually following your videos, however for some reason it didn't work. I haven't used sandbox btw, I am using desktop. Any ideas on what I can do?
I resolved the error somehow. The password was indeed "password" but I don't know why it wasn't working. However, when I open the browser through the http protocol in safari, it started working.