Probleme installing GDS plugin on Neo4j server

I have a problem with the installation of the GDS plugin on the Neo4j server:
I followed the following steps: Neo4j Server - Neo4j Graph Data Science
By installing the latest version available here:
I encountered an error, which is described in the attached file, after restarting Neo4j.
Has anyone experienced the same issue before? How can it be resolved?
gds_error.txt (5.9 KB)

French version:
J'ai un problème avec l'installation du plugin GDS sur le serveur Neo4j :
J'ai suivi les étapes suivantes : Neo4j Server - Neo4j Graph Data Science
En installant la dernière version disponible ici :
J'ai rencontré une erreur détaillée dans le fichier joint après le redémarrage de Neo4j.
Est-ce que quelqu'un a déjà eu le même problème ? Comment le résoudre ?

Does the version of GDS correspond to the version of sever? The screenshot is indicating this may be the cause.

Thank you very much, you were correct, I was not installing the compatible version.

I had the Neo4j Server version: 5.8.0 (community) and I was installing GDS 2.3.3. It is said here that GDS 2.3.3 is compatible with all Neo4j 5.x database versions <= 5.7.0. : Graph Data Science – Graph Database & Analytics
It looked like 2.3.3 was the latest version of GDS, so I was wondering which one was then compatible with Neo4j Server version: 5.8.0 (community). SO I went back to the same link where I downloaded the 2.3.3 ( and I found the latest version 2.3.7 and it is compatible with my server version now.

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@Riri2022 Is the GDS plugin running in an AuraDB Enterprise instance? I was told and found several (older) sources on the web that this will not work and instead AuraDS has to be used.

Just wonder as I would need if for some minor use-cases within our productive database and don't want to move to the data from AuraDB to AuraDS and back for each run.

I am instead on the server community version. I haven't tried on AuraDB yet.