Problem with Building Neo4j Applications with Python Course


I'm stuck on Building Neo4j Applications with Python Course because the "Check Database" button apparently isn't work right. I posted an image to help you guys understand what I want to say.

Question 1:

Question 2:

The Cypher suggested by Hint is working well on Sandbox, but the "Check Database" button doesn't work.

Any idea how can I keep going?

Thanks a lot,

Best regards,


Hi Adam_cowley,

Thanks for you support, but I didn't solve both questions yet. I don't know why, but looks like the connection is getting timeout before conclude the transaction. I will keep trying, but if you could help me I will thank you a lot.



There should be a script that cleans up the data in the background and removes the whitespace at the start of ` _Aaron Woodley`. I will investigate to see why this isn't running for you.

The answer the challenge is expecting is is `"Snub" Pollard`