Problem installing graph algoritms


In neo4j.conf the correct syntax is:*, algo.**, algo.*

Hi all,
I'm trying to install graph algoritms plugin in a neo4j 3.5.1 community.

Seems that there is some problem with the documentation at

I tried to whitelist and unrestrict algo procedures adding to neo4j.conf these lines:****

But I receive a lot of errors like:

2019-01-11 17:43:01.543+0000 WARN [o.n.k.i.p.Procedures] The function 'algo.version' is not on the whitelist and won't be loaded.
2019-01-11 17:43:01.545+0000 WARN [o.n.k.i.p.Procedures] The procedure 'algo.unionFind.forkJoin' is not on the whitelist and won't be loaded.
2019-01-11 17:43:01.545+0000 WARN [o.n.k.i.p.Procedures] The procedure '' is not on the whitelist and won't be loaded.
2019-01-11 17:43:01.550+0000 WARN [o.n.k.i.p.Procedures] The procedure '' is not on the whitelist and won't be loaded.
2019-01-11 17:43:01.566+0000 WARN [o.n.k.i.p.Procedures] The procedure '' is not on the whitelist and won't be loaded.

And, from the browser the command

CALL algo.list()

gives the error:

There is no procedure with the name `algo.list` registered for this database instance.

How can I install and enable Graph Algoritms?

Update: the names of packages installed and the framework

Operating system: Kubuntu 18.04.1
Java version: java-8-openjdk-amd64
neo4j package: neo4j-community-3.5.1-unix.tar.gz
apoc package: apoc-
graph package: graph-algorithms-algo-

I'm facing some problems to settle some algo with the APOC. I'm using Neo4j 3.5.3 and Apoc

I have settled the unrestricted and whitelist patterns in the neo4j.conf as written above. I can use in the web interface some apoc.algo such as cliques, dijkstra, pageRank but I cannot find the betweenness, centrality and a lot of others.
I have also noticed that there is a new algo implemented in Apoc named 'Louvain' and will also be interested to use it.

Do you know what could be the problem not seeing all the existing procedures ?
Thank you in advance for your help

Sorry to be late.
I don't know if this can help you; but here is my working configuration

the names of packages installed and the framework

Operating system: Kubuntu 18.04.1
Java version: java-8-openjdk-amd64
neo4j package: neo4j-community-3.5.1-unix.tar.gz
apoc package: apoc-
graph package: graph-algorithms-algo-

In [where you unpacked neo4j]/conf/neo4j.conf I added the following lines (near 275 line):*, algo.**, algo.*

After a reboot, issuing in the browser the command

CALL algo.list()

gives a list of 71 functions and the first one is


Hope this helps.


Hello Mirto,
Thank you very much for your reply! You have solved my problem.
As betweenness, centrality algo were in Apoc plugin before, I have missed the information that there is a new plugin only for algorithms!!
Thank you for your help

I have the same problem. My configuration is

  • Operating system: Centos7
  • Java version: Oracle jdk-9.0.4_linux-x64
  • neo4j package: Neo4j Server version: 3.5.7 (community)
  • apoc package: apoc-
  • graph package: neo4j-graph-something-3.5.7.jar
    I downloaded the apoc and neo4j-graph jars from the Maven repository, and I put the following lines in the neo4j configuration file:
  • = something. *, apoc. *
  • = something. *, apoc. *
    As it did not work, I saw that the name of the package neo4j-graph-algo-3.5.7.jar did not match what I have seen in the documentation, I renamed it in the following way: graph-algorithms-algo-3.5.7 .jar.
    But it still does not work.
    I wonder, the community version accepts the configuration of the algorithms?. The jar of the algorithms that I am downloading is not the correct one, where should I download it from?

Thanks in advance for your advice.
Juan Carlos Pérez C

I place this here as the thread is already opened...

Info for installation on EC2 AMIs:

All the docs state to change Neo4j.conf when you want to allow algo & apoc extensions, but...

As stated by @david_allen in an unrelated post here

the neo4j.conf get's overwritten upon reboot so the correct file to insert:, algo., algo.

is neo4j.template in the same directory /etc/neo4j/neo4j.template

hope that helps if anybody is running neo4j through aws marketplaces ami's as well.


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