Does anyone had this error before guys ?
Knowing that I changed these two lines :
from 512 to 10000 but it didn't work ! HELP PLEASE
Does anyone had this error before guys ?
Knowing that I changed these two lines :
from 512 to 10000 but it didn't work ! HELP PLEASE
Quick reminder, the #
at the start of the line means the line is commented out, so remove that symbol to ensure the line is being read.
You may want to use neo4j-admin memrec to see suggested values for memory based upon the memory available for your system.
Even when I removed the # from the start of the line , I received the same error .
Shall I change this one ?
dbms.jvm.additional=-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch TO dbms.jvm.additional=-XmX:+AlwaysPreTouch