I'm getting the following out of memory error when running neo4j queries in Python. I'm using neo4j 4.1.0 desktop
neo4j.exceptions.ClientError: {code: Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed} {message: Failed to invoke procedure `gds.alpha.shortestPath.deltaStepping.stream`: Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space}
I've followed the instructions to change the memory available: The neo4j.conf file - Operations Manual and assigned 12GB to the relevant parameters in the conf file:
My database has 63,000 nodes and 57,000 relationships
My python code looks like this and is called in a loop, with the id
value changing each time:
neo4j_session = neo4j_driver.session()
results_data = neo4j_session.run("MATCH (start:Person {id: 21) \
CALL gds.alpha.shortestPath.deltaStepping.stream({ \
nodeQuery:'MATCH(n:Person) RETURN id(n) AS id', \
relationshipQuery:'MATCH (p1:Person {id: 21})-[p1Knows:KNOWS]->(p1s)-[r:IS_MEMBER_OF*..10]-(p2s)<-[p2Knows:KNOWS]-(p2:Person) WHERE p1.id <> p2.id and p1Knows.self_rating <> 0 and p1Knows.self_rating < p2Knows.self_rating with p1, p2, reduce(cost = 0, x IN r | cost + coalesce(x.distance, 0)) as cost RETURN id(p1) AS source, id(p2) AS target, cost AS weight', \
startNode: start, \
relationshipWeightProperty: 'weight', \
delta: 3.0, \
writeProperty: 'sssp' \
}) \
YIELD nodeId, distance \
where gds.util.isFinite(distance) \
with nodeId, gds.util.asNode(nodeId) as n, distance \
RETURN n.name AS Name, distance AS Cost \
ORDER BY Cost".format(person_id)).data()
The error doesn't occur on the same id each time, so I'm wondering if I'm not using the python driver correctly and not clearing something up?
If not, do I really need 12GB of memory to query the graph?
What's the best way to go about diagnosing the issue?