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I have dumped the data into CSV and tried to import it that way. However, l am on a Mac and the LOAD CSV command does not work, l am getting an error message, “command not found". Brew install and changing the Path to the Neo4j bin directory does not work.
Is this an error you have encountered before, if so, how can this be resolved.
LOAD CSV command not found? LOAD CSV is a cypher statement LOAD CSV - Cypher Manual . You need to run a LOAD CSV at a cypher prompt, for example thru bin/cypher-shell or through the browser.
I am have imported two separate CSV files into Neo4j, however, when I try to create edges between the nodes, these are not showing when when I run the CALL db.schema; command. Is there a reason why I would fail to create edges between nodes that have been imported from two CSV sheets?
Also, is it advisable to create dates nodes within Neo4j, if so, what is the best way to do this?
Hi, I have imported some date into neo4j using the following:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///tblDataPlant.csv" AS row WITH row, SPLIT(row.Date,"-") AS date CREATE (collector:Collector {name: UPPER(row. Collector), location: UPPER(row.Location), date:(row.Date)}) SET collector +=, ['Location' , 'County', 'Latitude' , 'Longitude'], []) CREATE (site:Site {name: coalesce(row.Location, ' '), county: coalesce(row.County, ''), location: point({latitude:toFloat(row.Latitude), longitude: toFloat(row.Longitude)})}) SET site.year = TOINT(date[0]), site.month = TOINT(date[2]), = TOINT(date[1]) SET site +=, ['Location','County', 'Latitude','Longitude'], []) CREATE (collector)- [:VISITED]->(site)
However, we I try to run the following command: MATCH (c:Collector) WHERE Date('1826-05-17') < c.Date < Date('1827-04-23') RETURN (c)
I am not getting any result, it is saying (no changes, no records) even though I can see that there are collectors with this date. Where could I be getting it wrong.
Also, do you do one to one telephone/face to face sessions where someone has multiple questions?
Even after changing the the WHERE clause to the following does not resolve the issue, it is still coming up with (no changes, no records) MATCH (c:Collector) WHERE Date('1826-05-17') < < Date('1827-04-23') RETURN (c)
I am not getting any result, it is saying (no changes, no records) even though I can see that there are collectors with this date. Where could I be getting it wrong.
where DATE("1827") < < Date("1827") ...... ....
DATE("1827") produces a value of 1827-01-01. and the where cause would suggest the properties date property is greater than 1827-01-01 and also less than 1827-01-01 so I would expect this would yield no results. No??
but further I suspect this is a matter of type conversions. If you run
match (n:Collector) where Date("1827-06-25") < Date( < Date("1827-06-28") return n;
I am loading some data using csv, I am parsing one of the columns as a date. I have some "na" within the data column and I am getting a message which says, " Text cannot be parsed to a Date
"na". How can I ignore these during the loading process? I have a similar problems with NULLS and I used the following the statement which worked
"WITH line WHERE not line.Date IS NULL", what would be an equivalent statement for n/a? I tried WITH line WHERE not line.Date IS "na' and it did not work
and line 3 has a NULL for the Date property and line 4 has a value of n/a for the Date Property?
What is the expectation for line 3 and line 4. They not get loaded into Neo4j? they get loaded but the Date property be undefined?