I install neo4j community edition in the simplest way (I think !) on windows.
- unzip source file
- initialize password
- launch console mode
- launch browser on the same machine >>> http://localhost:7474/
From the same source files and the same installation way, I get :
- on notebook / win 10 enterprise : ok for version 3.5.4 and 3.5.25
- on server / win server 2016 : ok for version 3.5.4 but KO for 3.5.25
I don't have any response from http://localhost:7474 and I can't reach login page. I don't receive any error message.
I've tried different solutions mentionned on blogs like clearing brower cache, checking protocol settings in neo4j.conf but nothing solves the problem until now.
If you have some ideas to solve or to investigate further,