Newbie issue on Importer: succeeding to import nodes but not relationship


I am new to Neo4j and Aura and am trying out the Importer on very simple data. I have two tables, Resident and City where the Resident has a column stating which city they live in. The CSV files are:

Peter,61,New York City
Brian,42,New York City
Bill,46,San Francisco
John ,34,Chicago

New York City,New York
San Francisco,California

When importing, the nodes import succesfully, but no relationships are created.

The code for creating the realtionships, as displayed by the Importer is:

UNWIND $relRecords AS relRecord ```MATCH (source: Resident{Name:}) ````MATCH (target:City{Name: relRecord.Name})```` MERGE (source)-[r:Lives_in`]->(target);``

I have attached a screenshot of the GUI defining the relationship.

What am I missing?

Thank you!

Yes, I managed to confuse myself :grinning:

Works perfectly now.

I got it to work with the following settings. Switch your 'from' and 'to' fields, to 'name' and 'city', respectively. What the settings are saying is that the linkage between the 'resident' and 'city' nodes is contained in the file 'residents' and the 'from' node should match on this file's (resident.csv) 'name' field and the 'to' node should match on this file's 'city' field. When it creates the query, it will look for a 'resident' node whose 'ID' field equals 'name' value and a 'city' node whose 'ID' field equals the 'city' value. it is a little confusing because your file that contains the relationships between residents and cities is the residents file. Typically you may have a separate relationships file to import because you may have relationship properties in included in that data file.

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