NeoDash Report Actions for Graphs?

The User Guide states that Report Actions are available for Tables, Graphs and Maps.
Yet, when I set a Report Action for a Graph (see attachment), no clickable links appear in the Graph (2nd attachment).
No specific instruction for Graphs in the User Guide.
What am I missing?
Thanks for any suggestions!

Hi @guido

What happens when you click the node? Does the tooltip opens or simply does nothing?

Hi @bennu_neo,
the popup with the properties appears, just as when there is no Report Action, see screenprint.

Hi @guido,

When you fill the actions configurations, are the values on Node Click and To took from the autocomplete list?

@bennu_neo: Yes, they are

Did you find a solution for this? I'm having the same issue.

Hi all!

When I first added actions to Neodash I was hoping to add actions on links too but due to lack of sampling it was hard to implement at that moment. I'll take a look back again :)

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