Neo4jClient returns 404 Not Found error

Hello, grouop,

I am new to Neo4j and ran into a problem executing the C# sample code from Neo4j Developer Guides | Neo4j Graph Database Platform. I am using VS2019 and the server runs at localhost:7474. (the last line from the neo4j console command is 2020-02-05 18:41:05.789+0000 INFO Remote interface available at http://localhost:7474/.

The error message is

Message=Received an unexpected HTTP status when executing the request.

The response status was: 404 Not Found

I checked the following:

  • List item password is correct. If I use wrong password, it returns a clear message indicating my password is wrong

  • List item tried .net core and .net framework 4.8.

  • List item change the URI in the following code from lcoalhost:7474/db/data to localhost:7474/neo4j/data or localhost:7474/db/neo4j. All of them return the same erorr message.

public Social()
_graphClient = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data"), "neo4j", "mypassword");

What version of Neo4j are you using ? 4.0 / 4.0.x? or a 3.5.x release?

Can you curl to http://localhost:7474 and get a 200 Status Code?
Does a curl to http://localhost:7474/db/data result in a 404 status code?

Also Neo4jClient, and if not mistaken is made available through GitHub - DotNet4Neo4j/Neo4jClient: .NET client binding for Neo4j and thus a community driver. If you need to use C# you could use the Neo4j built Bolt Driver for C# and detailed at , search within the page for `Official Neo4j Drivers' and choose the .Net entry

Thank you for your reply. The following image is the execution result.

curl http://localhost:7474 returns 200
curl http://localhost:7474/db/data returns 302 (found)


I am wondering if my community server installation has a problem. I saw another screenshot which shows the curl 7474 port has an entry which contains "http://localhost:7474/db/data".

I create another neo4j database whose version is 3.5.14 using Neo4j Desktop. This new database works fine with the community driver. And the curl localhost:7474 shows data entry.


Hopefully, this can help to solve the problem.

Also, I can confirm that the official driver works fine on both .3.5 and 4.0 versions. I guess I will switch to your official driver then. :slightly_smiling_face: