I have created schema (graph model) for my Neo4j database using Hacolade, is this schema just for domain knowledge or we can upload this schema to Neo4j and we can apply Hacolade schema validations and restrictions to Neo4j ?
Hello @OmarHamdy ,
You can add whatever node labels, relationship types, and properties to your nodes and relationships per your application requirements. You can add constraints to the graph to help control what is valid data (uniqueness and existence). Whatever validations your application requires is up to you. Neo4j does not know anything about Hacolade schema validations.
Hello @elaine_rosenber
You mean Neo4j is just dealing with instance model (Data not schema) directly without Node predefinition
for example : I don't need to tell Neo4j that Person Node consists of specific properties , I start creating Node with label person for Omar (for example) and give it all Omar properties with values directly
Right ?
Neo4j is a "schemaless" database. The only restrictions are those placed by your application or constraints defined.
Thank you so much
(migrated from khoros post Solved: Re: Neo4j schema - Neo4j - 58319)