While it was a bit extra work getting Kotlin to work smoothly with SDN & OGM, with help from this awesome community I was able to get it working happily. Emboldened by that success, I was going to attempt to convert a stored procedure to Kotlin, but I'm running into an issue with getting the GraphDatabaseService
injected into a procedure class. Code:
open class OrderedConnect /*constructor(@Context var db: GraphDatabaseService? = null,
@Context var log: Log? = null)*/ {
open var db: GraphDatabaseService? = null
If I try it with the commented-out constructor version, the exception is "kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker". The other way, exception is "Field db
on OrderedConnect
must be non-final and public." I'm not sure how to make those much more non-final and public, but being a master of neither JVM nor Kotlin I was hoping a solution might jump out to someone.
Thanks in advance!