Greetings all,
I wonder if any of you can assist me with a concern.
I have been experimenting with Spring Data Neo4j for Kotlin over the past few days.
Spring Boot version 2.2.4.RELEASE
Kotlin version 1.3.61
Neo4j version 4.0.0
As an example, if I set up a class such as:
data class Kennel constructor (@Id @GeneratedValue val id: Long? = null, @Relationship val dog: Dog) {
where a Dog is:
data class Dog constructor (@Id @GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null, @Relationship var name: String) {
and then try to save and load an object of this Kennel class:
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class KennelRepositoryTest @Autowired constructor (val kennelRepository: KennelRepository,
val session: Session) {
var dogWrite: Dog = Dog(name = "rover");
var kennelWrite: Kennel = Kennel(dog = dogWrite)
fun beforeEach() {
fun findById() {
val kennelRead: Kennel = kennelRepository.findById(!!).orElseGet (null)
assertEquals(kennelWrite, kennelRead)
I see an IllegalArgumentException on findById of:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter specified as non-null is null: method w.resourceserver.domain.Kennel.<init>, parameter dog
resulting from:
Caused by: Failed to instantiate w.resourceserver.domain.Kennel using constructor fun <init>(kotlin.Long?, w.resourceserver.domain.Dog): w.resourceserver.domain.Kennel with arguments null,null,1,null
If I instead use an alternative Kennel with a Nullable dog
data class KennelWithNullable constructor (@Id @GeneratedValue val id: Long? = null, @Relationship val dog: Dog?) {
or a dog in a collection:
data class KennelWithSet constructor (@Id @GeneratedValue val id: Long? = null, @Relationship val dogSet: Set<Dog>) {
the findById method seems to work fine.
Is this expected behaviour or should I try and continue debugging ?
Many thanks for any feedback.