I too am having this problem with a small (600 node) DB with a MATCH query in the Browser (chrome). This is my query:
MATCH (n:Invitee)-[r:INVITED]-(s) Return n.email AS InviteeEmail, r.token AS Token, s.email AS SponsorEmail,COUNT(r) AS NumberOfInvitees;
My experience with Neo4j Browser losing connection is that it happens usually when you run queries, where you return 10k+ rows, so the browser gets lots of data from Neo4j and crashes.
In these scenarios a simple LIMIT at the end of the query will do when testing and exploring.
@bratanic_tomaz I am searching less than 600 rows ...but would LIMIT help me if I need all the records? I have not seeing any kind of pagination on Neo4j Browser. Could there be a recent update that is causing this problem? I am also getting getting a lot of ECONNRESET (.Neo4jError: read ECONNRESET ) from from my javascript session query...I suspect these maybe related.