I have this script
CALL apoc.export.cypher.all(null, {stream: true,
format: "plain",
cyhperFormat: "create" ,
useOptimizations: {type: "NONE", unwindBatchSize: 20}
YIELD file, batches, source, format, nodes, relationships, properties, time, rows, batchSize, cypherStatements, nodeStatements, relationshipStatements, schemaStatements, cleanupStatements
RETURN cypherStatements;
i see statments like this in Neo4j browser
"CREATE (:Movie {budget:30000000, countries:["USA"], imdbId:"0114709", imdbRating:8.3, imdbVotes:591836, languages:["English"], movieId:"1", plot:"A cowboy doll is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman figure supplants him as top toy in a boy's room.", poster:"https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w440_and_h660_face/uXDfjJbdP4ijW5hWSBrPrlKpxab.jpg", released:"1995-11-22", revenue:373554033, runtime:81, title:"Toy Story", tmdbId:"862", url:"Toy Story (1995) — The Movie Database (TMDB)", year:1995});
CREATE (:Genre {name:"Adventure"});
CREATE (:Genre {name:"Animation"});
but when i export to json or csv, all of the strings are escaped with \ like this
"CREATE (:Movie {budget:30000000, countries:["USA"], imdbId:"0114709", imdbRating:8.3, imdbVotes:591836, languages:["English"], movieId:"1", plot:"A cowboy doll is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman figure supplants him as top toy in a boy's room.", poster:"https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w440_and_h660_face/uXDfjJbdP4ijW5hWSBrPrlKpxab.jpg\", released:"1995-11-22", revenue:373554033, runtime:81, title:"Toy Story", tmdbId:"862", url:"Toy Story (1995) — The Movie Database (TMDB)", year:1995});
CREATE (:Genre {name:"Adventure"});
this is causing problem when i want to execute those commanads again. i get errors
for example through cypher shell, i get error
An error occurred while in an open transaction. The transaction will be rolled back and terminated. Error: Invalid input '[': expected "+" or "-" (line 1, column 45 (offset: 44))
how can i NOT have " being escaped ?
it is interesting that when i am writing this issue, all of those escapes are disappearing in the view mode after i click "save edit".