Export neo4j data to json file

I have neo4j database with 20 nodes, but there is only 2 label,x and y, now if I export data like below


after the result of the above command, just used the option Export JSON and saved the JSON file

everynode comes as single element in the list between square brackets in JSON file, but I want it all 20 nodes as separate in the same JSON file. when I load it and print the results, it prints in the single line as


	with open('./data/hello.json') as df:
		df1= json.load(df)

Actual Output

[{'n': {'identity': 50, 'labels': ['x'], 'properties': {'name': 'a', 'place': 'b', 'id': 001}}}, {'n': {'identity': 51, 'labels': ['x'], 'properties': {'name': 'c', 'place': 'd', 'id': 002}}},....]

Expected Output

{'n': {'identity': 50, 'labels': ['x'], 'properties': {'name': 'a', 'place': 'b', 'id': 001}}}, 
{'n': {'identity': 51, 'labels': ['x'], 'properties': {'name': 'c', 'place': 'd', 'id': 002}}},
so on

Hi @beginner,

If you want to transfer your neo4j database, then you can use these commands
Make you sure you enable export file and import file in your configurations


Export the database

CALL apoc.export.graphml.all("test.graphml", {})

Import the database

CALL apoc.import.graphml("test.graphml",{readLabels:true})

You can read up more here