Neo4j Bloom does not set different colors for multi-labeled nodes

Hi everyone,

I'm using Neo4j Bloom to visualize a graph, but whenever I do a query it shows my multi-labeled nodes with the same color, even though in the right panel it actually allows to set different ones, and in Neo4j Browser the coloring works. I already check the color settings using the command ":style" and they are actually different. Any suggestion?


Hello @TravSalesProb

I found a similar post to what you are trying to do.
Please let me know if this helps you as well!



thanks for replying, I had already looked at that answer but it was not helpful. My "style" file in the browser has different colors for all nodes (multi-labeled included) and the hierarchy follows the right path (priority for entities that are further down).

Hi @TrevorS ,

thanks for replying, I had already looked at that answer but it was not helpful. My "style" file in the browser has different colors for all nodes (multi-labeled included) and the hierarchy follows the right path (priority for entities that are further down).