Neo4j as rdf store and run the sparql on the store data

Hi , i'm using neo4j as a backend store for my rdf data and i want to run the sparql queries on it using spring boot , is it possible using rdf4j ? or there is another tool to perform this action


Unfortunately sparql itself is not supported.

If you can transform your queries to cypher queries it should work.

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Yes, rewriting your queries in cypher is your best option.
Alternatively there's an "spo" query procedure in n10s but I see that as more suitable to build integrations than to write complex queries. Have a look, it's n10s.rdf.export.spo

A query like this would return all instances of Actor

call n10s.rdf.export.spo(null, "", "neo4j://graph.schema#Actor")

and would be the equivalent of the sparql query:

select ?s ?p ?o
where {
  ?s ?p ?o 
  filter( ?s = rdf:type && ?o = neo4j:Actor )