Neo4j 4.4.12 java embedded - browser bolt connect issue


I am making my first steps with neo4j.

I have already familiarise myself on neo4j desktop but I also want to experiment with neo4j for java applications.

So I have created a small test application using java 11, Maven and neo4j 4.4.12 based on the guidelines of . The application runs just fine AFAIK, making transactions and reading data from db.

My problem is that I can't visualize the db contents on neo4j browser.

Apparently I connect to the DB using the bolt connector 4.4.0. I have included these lines in my app:

DatabaseManagementService managementService = new DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder( DB_PATH ) .setConfig( BoltConnector.enabled, true ) .setConfig( BoltConnector.listen_address, new SocketAddress( "localhost", 7687 ) ) .build();

Then I hit "lsof -i" and I see the bolt entries

java 6833 user 287u IPv6 84109 0t0 TCP localhost:bolt (LISTEN)
java 6833 user 288u IPv6 84165 0t0 TCP localhost:bolt->localhost:39762 (ESTABLISHED)

From neo4j browser, I connect using default credentials [neo4j username and empty password] and it seems to be OK. Neo4j Browser says that I am connected, however it seems unable to receive any database information such as Node Labels, Relationships, etc. when I call

CALL db.schema.visualization() OR I give command MATCH (n) RETURN n, I get the following error

Receiver class org.neo4j.fabric.bolt.BoltFabricDatabaseService does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method 'abstract org.neo4j.kernel.database.NamedDatabaseId getNamedDatabaseId()' of interface org.neo4j.bolt.dbapi.BoltGraphDatabaseServiceSPI.

Here I should note that I use neo4j community edition and that no other database is active atm.

So, what do I do wrong?

Thank you very much!

I think when you're starting out the embedded API is the last thing you should look at when building extensions for Neo4j.
It's really just for advanced usages.

Please use the Java Driver instead, there is a lot of material of how to get started

GraphAcademy Course

Getting started docs

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