Neo4J 4.2 JMX Export Missing

I have been using Neo4J version 3.5 community version and was able to use JMX to extract information on (in the DB):

  1. Number of nodes in use
  2. Number of properties in use
  3. Number of relationships in use
  4. Number of relationship types in use

On upgrading to v4.2 community edition, these are not being exported anymore. I do see in the

that these are still available but possibly their naming changed? I am applying a filter using jmx_exporter using this pattern:

   - pattern: 'org\.neo4j<instance=(.+), name=Primitive count><>(.+):(.+)'
     type: GAUGE
     name: neo4j_server_primitive_count_$2
     value: $3

Any pointers would be appreciated.


For anyone having the same issue:

Please note that the available JMX MBeans and their names have been updated in 4.0. Beans that duplicate metrics or monitoring options, described in Neo4j Operations Manual → Monitoring, have been removed.

Basically, with the 4.0, monitoring Neo4J using JMX beans has been removed.

The alternative is to use an enterprise edition ($$$) and enable Prometheus out-of-the-box.