Manual Extension of Input types in GraphQL Library

Hi Community,

I have a node in my database lets say Person , which has attributes name , age , phone number, dob, like so :

type PERSON  {
	name : String!
    age : String
    phone : String
    date_of_birth : String

For this node when I use the neo4j library to make resolvers out of this I get a Where in put type called PERSONWhere.

This input type has basic conditions for all the attributes such as equality, contains, starts_with , etc.
However, I want to extend this input type to support less than and greater than conditions.

For example, we want to list the people born between 2000 and 2002, for that we have to use > and <, which is easily implementable in cypher.

So, can anyone share how we can extend the input Type such that we can write the resolvers for that condition on our own?

Best Regards,
Aman Negi

Hi Aman,

The library will generate those comparison operators you want (greater than, less than etc), if you specify the type for date_of_birth as Date, so your type would look like this:

type PERSON  {
	name : String!
    age : String
    phone : String
    date_of_birth : Date