GraphQL extending AutoGenerated 'Where' clause


I'm using the @neo4j/graphql NodeJS library. I really like the auto-generated 'where' clause I get with the schema, however I would like to extend it an d add my own filters into the where clause. Is this possible,

I have tried defining my own filters in the schema type definition but this stops the auto-generated LT, GT, etc. I would like to have all of the existing auto-generated filters and add my own.

Is this possible? I see there are options to extend some of the filters (@queryOptions for example). Is there a general way to add my own filters in a similar way to the @queryOptions directive?


What types of additional filters are you looking for? Perhaps it would make sense to add a feature request to the library and describe your use-case? Repository is at:

I wanted to add a 'geo-spacial location within polygon' type search which I could use with the Point types. The existing goes so far but nothing allows for Polygon search. Basically if I could add something to the existing Where clause for the point I would be happy.