I have spent the past couple of years building a graph database and a front end nodejs app in Neo4j 1.0.18. Recently, the Neo4j browser stopped connecting to the database even though the front end app continued to connect to Neo4j and work normally.
So I updated to Neo4j 1.2.4 hoping that this would fix the issues. But now I can't see my database when I load Neo4j and the front end app doesn't work. The front end app connects like this...
var driver = neo4j.driver('bolt://localhost', neo4j.auth.basic('neo4j', '********'));
var session = driver.session();
I believe my database data is still located at C:\Users\admin.Neo4jDesktop\neo4jDatabases
In Neo4j, I've tried clicking "Add Graph" but everything I've tried has either failed to connect or created a new database. Perhaps I have forgotten the exact "name" of the original database (if so how do I locate the name).