Hi, yesterday I ran into a problem while creating an account in the application I'm currently developing. The console log says:
org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException: The node with id 5 has a logical cyclic mapping dependency. Its creation caused the creation of another node that has a reference to this.
class Tree(
@Relationship(type = "OWNS_TREE", direction = Relationship.Direction.INCOMING)
val owner: Person
) {
var id: Long = -1
class Person(
var firstName: String,
) {
var personId: Long = -1
@Relationship(type = "IS_CHILD_OF", direction = Relationship.Direction.OUTGOING)
var parents: MutableSet<Person> = mutableSetOf()
@Relationship(type = "IS_CHILD_OF", direction = Relationship.Direction.INCOMING)
var children: MutableSet<Person> = mutableSetOf()
@Relationship(type = "IS_SIBLING_OF")
var siblings: MutableSet<Person> = mutableSetOf()
@Relationship(type = "IS_PARTNER_OF")
var partners: MutableSet<Person> = mutableSetOf()
@Relationship(type = "OWNS_TREE")
var ownedTree: Tree? = null
I know that this is because in Person there is a OWNS_TREE relationship, that is also in Tree, which would make it a cyclic dependency, but what does it mean exactly?
The second question is how should I process to having the relationship between mentioned classes that way and working on them without getting that kind of an exception?
The problem is rooted in the dependency chain (cycle) Tree -> Person -> Tree, as you have already discovered.
Spring Data Neo4j has a dead-lock detection during mapping to avoid stack overflow / infinite recursion if it comes to cyclic mapping dependencies. This is why you see the exception.
What happens in detail?
SDN starts mapping the Tree that depends on a Person instance (constructor) and puts it in a set of "objects in construction".
The Person instance gets created AND the properties of it populated. This has to be done because a property can -besides public visibility and setter- also be "set" by using a wither method (Spring Data Neo4j)
The ownedTree property needs the Tree-in-construction -> Exception
To avoid this, you can either remove the constructor dependency or the bi-directional relationship definition.
modifying the relationship -- seems like a non-starter if I need to model such cyclical relationships
removing the constructor dependency -- I'm not sure what this means, or how I might go about experimenting with it. Does this suggest instantiating node objects without their relations / removing the relation property (linksOut) from the constructor definition?
It's not impossible to do this, but Lombok's annotations create a all-args constructor for the @Value. In this case you have the Node1-><anything or nothing>->Node1 dependency in the mapping process. Since Node1 will require a mapping of its relationships to satisfy the constructor requirement, it eventually ends up at the point where it needs to map Node1 again in your case.
You are on the right track that you would have to remove the constructor dependency created by Lombok. I don't know if this is possible in combination with the @Value annotation but you would have to have at least a constructor and, in the case of multiple ones, mark it with @PersistenceConstructor.
I did try adding an all-but-relations constructor to both classes in my original code (annotated with @PersistenceConstructor / @PersistenceCreator), but had the same issue.
I got it working by doing this in both the @Node and @RelationshipProperties classes:
Replacing @Value with @Data, which creates a required-args constructor rather than all-args
Removing @With and @Builder annotations, both of which depend on an all-args constructor
Resulting code:
@FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public final class NodeEntity {
UUID uuid;
Long version;
// properties ...
@Relationship(type = "LINKS", direction = Direction.OUTGOING)
List<LinkEntity> linksOut;
@FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class LinkEntity {
Long id;
// properties ...
NodeEntity target;