Liquibase for Neo4j Releases

The Liquibase Neo4j plugin allows you to track, version, and execute database changes against Neo4j.
You just need to drop the plugin package to your existing Liquibase installation and you're ready to rumble!

Liquibase Neo4j versions 4.9.0 and are out.

With these new releases, almost every trace of "SQL" is absent from your Liquibase change sets.
Moreover, you can use new preconditions on Neo4j version (3.5, 4.4, ...) and edition (community vs. enterprise).

Give it a try now!

Liquibase Neo4j 4.12.0 is out!

Liquibase Neo4j 4.13.0 is out!

This includes the first ever client-side graph refactoring: mergeNodes. Make sure to check it out!

Read more about it here:

Liquibase Neo4j version 4.14.0 is out!

Liquibase Neo4j version 4.15.0 is out!

Liquibase 4.17.1 is out

I missed a few release announcements here:

  • Liquibase for Neo4j versions, and are out
  • Liquibase for Neo4j version 4.16.0 is out
  • Liquibase for Neo4j versions 4.16.1,, are out
  • Liquibase for Neo4j version is out

Just in time for Nodes 22, Liquibase for Neo4j 4.17.2 is out and packed with goodies:

  • Initial support for Neo4j 5 (full support is being worked on at the JDBC level)
  • New graph refactoring: node property extraction

Liquibase is out and fixes a bunch of CVE so upgrade right away!

Liquibase 4.18.0 is out (there were issues with the 2 previous releases and Maven Central publishing - working on it!)

Liquibase is out! It's only made of internal and documentation improvements.
While I am here, I am looking for testers of this pre-release:

That pre-release re-implements the JDBC connectivity layer, right into the Neo4j extension. This will unlock several features down the line. Feedback much appreciated!

Liquibase 4.19.0 is out and includes a complete, internal replacement for the third-party JDBC driver.