Link Prediction Pipeline error

Failed to invoke procedure `gds.beta.pipeline.linkPrediction.train`: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected configuration key: metrics

@himilp108 just posting an error message is unlikely to get you any good assistance. Could you provide some context?


I received this error when trying to execute the following code

CALL gds.beta.pipeline.linkPrediction.train('lpgraph', {

pipeline: 'lp-pipeline',

modelName: 'lp-pipeline-model',

metrics: ['AUCPR'],

randomSeed: 42

}) YIELD modelInfo, modelSelectionStats


modelInfo.bestParameters AS winningModel,

modelInfo.metrics.AUCPR.train.avg AS avgTrainScore,

modelInfo.metrics.AUCPR.outerTrain AS outerTrainScore,

modelInfo.metrics.AUCPR.test AS testScore,

[candidate IN modelSelectionStats.modelCandidates | candidate.metrics.AUCPR.validation.avg] AS validationScores

I am not sure what is wrong as metrics is a required configuration property.