I ran Neo4j's link prediction pipeline on a graph and would like to inspect and visualize the results through Cypher queries and graph viz. Tried gds.graph.export and the graph was exported, but it created an empty database with no nodes or relationships in it.
Any help on this would be appreciated! Attached screenshots of my code and output for reference.
Hi @alicia_frame1, I used 'split relationships' and I'm currently trying to use gds.alpha.ml.linkPrediction.train to train my graph, but got an error saying:
There is no procedure with the name `gds.alpha.ml.linkPrediction` registered for this database instance.
I have the required Neo4j and GDS versions installed (4.3.9 and 2.0) mentioned here (I'm not using APOC so I didn't download that) - https://neo4j.com/developer/graph-data-science/link-prediction/graph-data-science-library/.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
If you're using 2.0, we've deprecated the independent link prediction procedure and replaced it with link prediction pipelines - which graduated to the beta tier. More details and examples are available here: https://neo4j.com/docs/graph-data-science/2.0/machine-learning/linkprediction-pipelines/
You may also want to take a peak at the migration guide for 1.x --> 2.0; we provide a mapping for gds.alpha.linkPrediction to gds.beta.pipeline.linkPrediction: https://neo4j.com/docs/graph-data-science/2.0/appendix-b/migration-ml/#migration-algorithms-link-prediction