String cql = "match (a:TestNode2) where id(a)=1241
match (b:TestNode2) where id(b)=1240
create (a)-[r:TESTRELATION]->(b) return a, r, b "
Result result = driver.session().run(cql);
it only returns the node id and relation id, how can I get all the properties?
while (result.hasNext()) {
Record record =;
Node aNode = record.get("a").asNode();
Relationship rRel = record.get("r").asRelationship();
Node bNode = record.get("b").asNode();
Then, you can call .asMap() on any of the Node and Relationship and get access to every the property map.
Alternatively, you can call .get() to retrieve a single property, which is then returned as a Value instance. You then call asXxx on that value to get the expected type (asString, asBoolean, ...)