Return all nodes properties


I'm an early begginer in Neo4j and i need some help with the return syntax.

I want to return all nodes properties but i'm not able to get them without null values and repeated nodes.

This is how i create it.

CREATE (a: Formulario {Nombre:'PS2115'})
CREATE (b: Datos_Internos {Autor:'Sergio', Fecha:'07/02/2022', Identificador:'847', Revision:'3', Descripcion:'Una descripcion bonita'})
CREATE (c: Datos_Cliente {Nombre:'Igeteam', Direccion:'Parque Tecnologico'})
CREATE (d: Persona_Contacto {Nombre:'Gerente', Telefono:'654789321', Email:'', Cargo:'Gerente'})

CREATE (a)-[:Datos]->(b)
CREATE (a)-[:Datos]->(c)
CREATE (c)-[:Contacto]->(d)

And this is the resulting graph.


Now i am trying to return the properties and values of the nodes.

MATCH (f:Formulario{Nombre:'PS2115'})-[:Datos]->(c)
OPTIONAL MATCH(c)-[:Contacto]->(d)
WITH f,c,d
RETURN{Proyecto: properties(f), Datos: properties(c), Persona_Contacto: properties(d)}


I want to know if it is possible to get only one message with all the information of the nodes properties.



If possible, you could use the Apoc procedures, in particular this one - APOC Extended Documentation (or maybe also the - APOC Extended Documentation if you have a lot of maps)

MATCH (f:Formulario{Nombre:'PS2115'})-[:Datos]->(c)
OPTIONAL MATCH(c)-[:Contacto]->(d)
WITH f,c,d
RETURN, properties(c)), properties(d))

If you want them collected and don't care which Persona_Contracto is associated with which Datos.

MATCH (f:Formulario{Nombre:'PS2115'})-[:Datos]->(c)
OPTIONAL MATCH(c)-[:Contacto]->(d)
WITH f, collect(properties(c)) as datos, collect(properties(d)) as persona_contacto
RETURN{Proyecto: properties(f), Datos: datos, Persona_Contacto: persona_contacto}

If you want to the persona_contacto associated with its dates (query assumes zero or one d nodes per c node, and I didn't know what to call label XX):

MATCH (f:Formulario{Nombre:'PS2115'})-[:Datos]->(c)
OPTIONAL MATCH(c)-[:Contacto]->(d)
RETURN {datos: properties(c), persona_contacto: properties(d)} as datos
RETURN{Proyecto: properties(f), XX: collect(datos)}