Hi All
I am working on GraphEmbedding using GraphSAGE
I just try the examples available at the
I couldn't obtain the result when I execute the following query
CALL gds.beta.graphSage.train(
modelName: 'multiLabelModel',
featureProperties: ['age', 'heightAndWeight', 'cost'],
projectedFeatureDimension: 4
It throws an error for the heightAndWeight featureProperty as follows
Failed to invoke procedure gds.beta.graphSage.train
: Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cannot safely convert LongArray[185, 75] into a Double
For the query
CALL gds.beta.graphSage.train(
modelName: 'weightedTrainedModel',
featureProperties: ['age', 'heightAndWeight'],
relationshipWeightProperty: 'relWeight',
nodeLabels: ['Person'],
relationshipTypes: ['KNOWS']
I obtained the following error
Failed to invoke procedure gds.beta.graphSage.train
: Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Tried to retrieve a value of type DOUBLE value from properties of type LONG_ARRAY
My Neo4j version is: 4.2.1
Neo4j Desktop version is 1.4.5
Please guide me in this regard asap
Thank you