Hi I am having an issue authenticating into Neo4j DB on Azure from both the Neo4j console admin portal at http://ip address:7474/browser/ and python SDK, but no issue authenticating when accessing the DB via SSH.
I followed this tutorial to set up the database on Azure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1IJ5m4KCYA
I am using the username as "neo4j" and am using the same password I used when I entered in the admin password on the Neo4j creation page in Azure.
I even tried setting dbms.security.auth_enabled=false in the config and restarted the DB but am still getting authentication errors even when setting it to no authentication in the console admin portal:
AuthError: {code: Neo.ClientError.Security.Unauthorized} {message: The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.}
Because I am able to authenticate fine via SSH, I am not sure what the issue could be. Please advise. Thank you