Is Neo4j Desktop a dummy application or a scam!?!

I have installed the dektop for Ubuntu but I can't do anything at all!?! Is this a scam? I have filled up my email and particulars for nothing!?! Same for the browser as well! Can't do anything there at all!

What kind of issues are you having? The screenshot seems to show you having created a database

Yes, it doesn't show any details of the database at all! I can't create database, and any other entity on the database. I see some details in the browser but not the desktop app!

Kind of difficult to weigh in without some detail. What happens when you connect to your database in Desktop?

WHy don't you tell me what should I do at the desktop to see what I see in the browser?

Hey @funcoolgeek , here is the documentation for desktop. Hopefully it will guide you through the Desktop UI

So, I have to navigate into "Graph Apps" and open up another window in order to work on the database? I expected everything to be in the desktop window which, as it currently stands, only show a big empty screen!

At the moment, yes. Neo4j Desktop is a tool for developers to create multiple projects and databases locally. Then one or more graph apps allow you to interact with those databases in varying ways.