Neo4j Desktop Issue

I recently used the Neo4j update feature in Neo4j Desktop and now the desktop app will not open. The app appears to be running but there is no screen. I am run Mac OS X 10.15.7. There are three processes running: Ne4j Desktop, Neo4j Helper, and Neo4j Desktop Helper (GPU). I cannot access a database since there is no screen available. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The reason I tried an update is that my databases will not migrate to newer versions without crashing. It appeared to be a Java issue, but now I am dead in the water. I downloaded a newer version of Neo4j Desktop (1.3.11) and still have the same issue.

I have the same issue ... was working fine but recently stopped working. I can see the app running in my taskmanager (windows 10) but no application opens

I have the same was working fine but recently stopped working. I am doing some data analysis with Neo4j desktop 1.2.5 version. I can see the app is running in my test manager (window 10) but I can't see the screen of Neo4j Desktop so that I can't do anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Sorry! I installed Neo4j desktop 1.2.5 on Window 10.

I found I had to uninstall, then remove anything related to neo4j in the appdata folder on my pc. And re-install, selecting "only I can use this program" when asked.

How to completely and cleanly reinstall NEO4J? - #5 by elaine.rosenberg - Has a thread in a similar vein. My suggestion is once removing the application, via uninstall, seek out the remnenants of neo4j in the appdata folder under your profile folder.

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if you run into issues with Desktop 1.4.7 on Windows could you try this and report back?

try asking them to delete the C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Neo4j\Relate\Cache\plugin-sources\default-sources.json file and see if that helps? We think that the reason for desktop not starting for some users might be that the cached plugin sources has become corrupt