Integrate neo4j with elasticsearch


i want to integrate neo4j with elasticsearch. I followed GitHub - neo4j-contrib/neo4j-elasticsearch: Neo4j ElasticSearch Integration

  1. i already put jar to the folder /var/lib/neo4j/plugins
  2. i already modify /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf and added those line shown in pic below:

  1. rrestart neo4j

  2. open localhost:9200 but the result error using this url http://localhost:9200/person/_search?q=name:Rain


what did i do wrong?

Thank you for helps.

Which neo4j version did you use?
The plugin was not updated to recent versions of Neo4j.

Can you check the neo4j logs for any error messages.

i success show data after install elastic search 7.1

I use neo4j version 4.2. i push data using this command


Then i go to url localhost:9200

it shows the data.

But i want to show the data from movie-graph database in elasticsearch. I noticed that the new version to integrate neo4j and elasticsearch is using APOC.

But i don't know how to do that.

Thank you.

Done to export movie database to elasticsearch using this command.

MATCH (n:Movie) 
yield value return *