I have created 3 compute engine VM and installed Enterprise Edition 5.23.0.
we have updated the below configurations to make a neo4j cluster based on this -neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/clustering/setup/deploy
server.default_advertised_address=server01.example. com
dbms.cluster.discovery.v2.endpoints= server01.example. com:6000 ,server02. example. com:6000,server03.example. com:6000
We have faced the CONNECTION REFUSED error when trying to connect using cypher-shell command.
we have investigated below points for the above
checked all the node ip address and port on network firewall.
Found no error message in the Noe4j log files.
Each node we are able to connect one another using the PING command.
If the above configurations are commented and verified the single node Neo4j service is working and able to connect to neo4j using the cypher-shell command.
When the neo4j.conf file is updated with above commands in the status it will show as failed else active.
screenshot of error after updating the neo4j.conf file attached here.